Emergency Sub Plans are a MUST for every classroom teacher. Setting them up is the most daunting task, but once you have them created, you’ll be so grateful for them the day you actually need them. Today I’m here to share some tips and ideas on how to get your plans started!
Set up your Emergency Sub Plan Binder/Folder.
- Class List
- Daily Class Schedule
Your School's Emergency Procedures
Contact Info (let the substitute know who to contact for various reasons)
Behavior Management System
Class Procedures/Routines
Ideas for activities that the substitute can do with extra time or early finishers
Instructions/Notes for the sub on how to access the appropriate materials to use for the day
Extra papers for recording attendance and lunch counts
Preparing Lesson Plans and Student Work
I recommend creating several student work options for each subject that the substitute can choose from. Therefore, it’s probably best to house all of these materials in a filing crate or file box. You’ll also be able to fit your Sub Binder in here as well!
You’ll want to be able to provide your substitute with different work options for each main subject in your daily schedule. To do this, think of work options that students can do throughout the year. Print those worksheets and write up a lesson plan to go along with each worksheet set you’ll be including in your Sub Tub.
When choosing math assignments, think of different assignments students could use extra practice with throughout the year. Create different lesson plans depending on the time of year and what has been taught. When creating these plans and putting them in your tub, don’t forget to label that folder with the time of year it can be used!
Bonus Ideas
Try to create ELA and Writing lessons focused on a picture book. Have the substitute read the story aloud. Students can fill out graphic organizers, write summaries, or answer comprehension questions about the story that was read. Later, they could write a different ending to the story and draw a picture to go along with it! Don’t forget to also put the book into your Sub Tub! If you're in need of Reading Comprehension Graphic Organizers to use for this purpose, I have them in my TPT store.
Utilize your Time for Kids or Scholastic News Articles (if your school purchases them). They work great for having your students read through and completing the assignments/questions.
Include an additional lesson plan page or instruction sheet letting your sub know of different activities or games they can do with students if they have extra time in their day. I recommend providing approximated time and corresponding activities.
Make it a day and set up plans with your Grade Level Partners!! You can each write plans and search for the materials for the different subject areas, then share with each other. You’ll get the work done so much faster and you’ll both be prepped and ready!
If you’re strapped for time, or can’t handle ANOTHER task for your to-do list, I’ve got you covered if you teach 3rd Grade! Check out my already created Emergency Sub Plans! All you need to do is add your class information and you’re set to go!
What other tips do YOU have for creating Emergency Sub Plans? I’d love to hear them in the comments below!

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