Monday, February 18, 2013

5 for Five- Week 8

Happy Monday, Everyone!! I sure hope those of you who have the day off, are enjoying it..I sure know I am. I took the opportunity to sleep in this morning..just finished my breakfast and decided to make my blog post for my weekly 5 for Five. For those of you who are new to this, every Monday I link up to Jenn and Jessica to plan out 5 goals that I hope strive to accomplish in the next 5 days. The following Monday, I'll look back at my goals and reflect on how well I did, then set new goals. Sounds great doesn't iT?! If you aren't already linking up with them, you totally need to!!
As a reminder, Green will be used for goals that were accomplished Red will be used for the goals that were not happenin, and Orange was an in between accomplishment :)

Let's see how I did...
1. Clean my house/gather things for garage sale next weekend
Unfortunately, the cleaning did NOT happen (if anything it got messier Yikes!) BUT I did happen to go through and collect quite a bit of things for my upcoming garage sale...
2. Plan for the following week
I'll be going into school today to get this upcoming week planned. Valentine's day totally kicked me in the butt this year :/
3. Blog 3 times this week (I have been majorly slacking on this)
2 out of 3..not bad
4. Begin working on fixing up my morning math units
Again, last week was crazy..still didn't happen
5. Do NOT press the snooze button OR lay in bed looking at instagram/pinterest.
Yay!! My one success of the week!! Man..I totally need to make this one a habit because it saved me so much time and I got to work on time (for me it's 5:45am) and had enough time to get all my things done in the morning. 

Alright...onto my new goals....
1. Get at least 7 hours of sleep a night!
I'm going into week 3 of being sick and I desperately need to get better. I haven't been getting enough sleep that my body so badly needs to recover. This week, I will make sure that I get at least 7 hours a night and hopefully kick this cold for good!
2. No Pinterest/instagram/snooze button in the mornings
3. Go on a walk every night after dinner.
This is something the hubby and I have decided on doing. This gives us time to digest/work off the food we've eaten, enjoy some fresh air, and have some time alone to talk about our days or just stuff without the distraction of any electronics (tv, ipad, computer) We actually started that this past weekend and we've both been totally loving it. :)
4.Clean the house
5. Plan for next week.
AND a bonus goal which is to make at least $100 at my garage sale on Sat. (more would be fantastic but I'm shooting for an achievable goal :)
Enjoy the rest of your Monday off, I'm off to school to get prepared for the week and then the hubby and I are going to do some furniture shopping for our future home. We should be getting the keys at the ending of March or Early April..So excited! I'll be posting pictures soon...

PS: I'll also be starting a new series of posts beginning this Friday. I used to do my fab. 5 for Friday which were my top five pinterest finds for the week but the name ended up getting taken over by another linky party out there in blogland AND I've been majorly slacking on it too...SO my Friday posts will be dedicated to something that I know should be able to keep up with since it's something that I'm usually pretty up to date with..If you're into fashion, definitely come back on Friday to check this out!! :)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

How Well Does Your Spouse Know You?!

Happy Valentine's Day!! Hope you had a smooth and fun day today! We had a fun day, not too sure about smooth?! It was a crazy day, lets just say that :P
In the spirit of V-day, I'm linking up to some wonderful bloggers and Melissa from The Life of a Not So Ordinary Wife for a valentine's day linky  to see how well my other half knows me...
He better do well!! lol I'm including the instructions, just in case you feel like linking up to this fun party!!

Here are the instructions:
  1. Fill out the questions below with your answers
  2. Hand over the same set of questions to your spouse and see if they can answer the questions about you. 
  3. Write your post and compare both of your answers
  4. Link up here on February 14th
I am so excited to read all the fun answers, should be interesting to say the least.

Here are the questions: Feel free to add or take away any questions you want.
My answers will be in pink, his in blue. 

How long have you been married/together?
We are not married yet, but have been together for 3 years and 4 months :)

3 yrs 4 months

Where was your first date?
Hmm.not too sure of this, the first time we had a sit down meal alone was to eat pho tho...

Assagios for my bday

Where was your first kiss?
Probably at my house?!

Ds house after therapy bar (this was where I used to live)

Who first said, "I love you"?
I honestly don't remember (is that bad?!) but I'm thinking that it was probably ME!

Dunno prolly you

What were your wedding colors?

What is her most commonly used phrase?
O.M.G Babe!!!

How does this look? Or does this match?
Yup, I guess you could say that..I DO ask him this every morning :P

Who is her celebrity crush?
Channing Tatum!! 

Channing Tatum

If she was ordering drinks for both of you what would you each get?
Him= Miller Lite, Me= Miller lite, or Jameson Ginger

Miller Lites or capt diet

What is the best meal she has ever cooked you?
Fried Chicken, or angel hair pasta?!

Spicy Shrimp Pasta

What is the worst meal she has ever cooked you?
Never had a worst meal...
he didn't answer this..couldn't think of anything

What is the most-played song on her iPod?
Something Colbie Caillat

Taylor Swift

What would she say is your most annoying habit?
Not listening to what I'm saying 
Talking pidgin (This is a dialect spoken in Hawaii which is kind of like broken english. It was used by the different nationalities that worked in the plantation fields, this was their way of communicating with each other).
What is the last thing she does before she goes to bed?
Check alarm and play games or instagram

Talk to me and have me rub her back

If you could throw out one item of her clothing what would it be?
Flarey goucho pants 

Her blue monkey pants
LOL! I was cracking up at this. These are my paul frank monkey pants that I've had forever. It has holes in it but I refuse to throw it out. 

What would you say is your favorite thing about her?
Makes me laugh

Her fun personality and her smile

What's her go-to drink at Starbucks?
Iced coffee with soy milk

Iced coffee with soy milk

What's her blog's name?! 
Teaching in Paradise!
Teaching in Paradise

All in all, I must say that I was quite impressed with the boy. I didn't think he'd do this good but he pretty much aced this. Good job, babe!
I'm completely exhausted so I'm off to rest and enjoy the  many sweets and goodies I got from my kiddos today. Hopefully tomorrow or sometime this weekend I'll be able to share the cute craft we did today.