It's beginning to look and feel a lot like Christmas..and I'm totally loving it!!! This weekend was SO busy, I barely had time to keep up with everything going on (this seems to be the story of my life!). On Saturday, I went over to one of my old co-workers house (she let to teach at a new school) and another one of my co-workers came over..we decided that this year we would make gifts in hopes of saving some money this year. We ended up working ALL DAY but it was totally worth it. We made some chocolate covered pretzels..and baked some ghiradelli brownies that were SO GOOD!!
These are some of the pretzels we made. This was actually our very first batch. I'm sad I didn't take more pictures because we got really fancy with the decorating...
Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of the brownies but we packaged them up in cute little baggies. I was on amission to work quickly and get everything done since I needed to leave by 5:00 because we had my fiancée's birthday dinner at 6:30!
I found these cute little gift we packaged everything up in these (brownies, choco. covered pretzels and a candy cane).
We ended up making about 30+ of these goodie baskets.
I was late to my dinner and ending up leaving at 6:30. I had to meet everyone at the dinner place and my fiancé ended up having to bring me clothes..We ate at this really awesome sushi sushi I've ever eaten...but it's the kind of sushi that cost an arm and leg. our total tab for 5 people ended up $700!! The good thing though is that the sushi chef/owner ended up packing us a to go container of sushi since they would be closed the next day and he didn't want the fish to go to waste.
So this was lunch the next day :0
Sunday was my fiancés birthday so we spent the day doing errands, decorating the tree and wrapping presents :)
We also went to dinner with his parents at an italian restaurant..
He got some kind of meat and pasta with shrimp
I got salmon, pasta, and shrimp
Before I knew it..It's Monday and I'm headed into work. I got surprised with a GIANT Christmas tree this morning :)
LOL. This was totally unexpected. I had a student on Friday that asked me if she could bring in a tree...I assumed it was one of those tiny 3 ft. trees. She comes in today with her mom wheeling this HUGE cart with this huge tree. HAHA. I guess I learned my lesson to never assume and always ask. The kids were totally surprised and absolutely love it! I must admit..I'm loving it too :)
For those of you who are new to this...I am listing 5 goals that I hope to accomplish in the next 5 days!!

Goals that have been accomplished will be in green!
Red is a failure :(
Orange is a semi-accomplishemnt!
1. Catch up on the past 5 weeks of grading that I have fallen behind on!
Woohoo!! Totally caught up on this one :) Feels sooo good!
2. Put up my Christmas Tree and decorations!!
Yay!! Totally got this done too...I love how cheery it makes my house seem :)
3. Head to the mall and start my shopping lists!!
Not only did I start..I'm ALMOSt done!
4. Get our faculty Christmas Party planned!
5. Cut vinyl and label student ornaments for Christmas gifts for parents.
Got this done on Saturday as well...Well, my co-workers husband pretty much did this part for me!! :) I'll be sharing the kids' ornaments tomorrow. They're almost done..just putting finishing touches tomorrow. Be sure to check back..they are absolutely adorable!!
OMG! Total success this week :) So happy!!
Hoping next week will be just as successful!
1. Finish shopping and wrapping ALL gifts.
2. Clean the house (it's a total mess again)
3. Paint my nails and toenails in a Christmasy theme
4. Make a hair appointment
I haven't got my hair done since May!! It's so bad but I just don't have the time and money...My hair dresser is in the opposite direction of traffic from where I work. I'm hoping to get an appointment sometime during the break.
5. Make gift baskets for grade level!
This was a long post. Have a great rest of the week. Check back tomorrow or Wednesday for our Christmas ornaments!
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