Today was my very last day to get things done before the first day of school. I didn't have any time to work in my room today since we had faculty meetings all day. We also had Meet and Greet where students dropped off their supplies and got to meet their new teacher. I had a little more than half my class show up. Earlier in the summer I had sent postcards to each student welcoming them to the new year and introduced myself. In the postcard I got to let them know about Meet and Greet as well, since not all parents keep up to date with school happenings over the summer. This is what the postcards looked like...
They sell these at most teacher supply stores.
I'm totally not ready for the school year. My room is ready, I have plans but I had a breakdown today panicking because I wouldn't be able to go into my room until the first day of school. I'm currently at 26 students (had a surprise 26th student show up to my class...without me knowing they were in it). That student filled up my VERY LAST student desk (after I had requested another student desk). We still have about 40+ students who have not yet been placed into a class..I'm freaking out that I will come on Monday morning and have 30+ student, NO desks, No textbooks, NO cubby space, NO chairs. I had to just leave because I had a meltdown..needed to get out. I will just deal with whatever comes and happens on Monday..Until then I WILL enjoy my mini vacation. SO I leave you with some pictures of my new home oh I mean classroom for the next 10 months.

The students who came to Meet and Greet today were surprised with this little treat. I got this super cute, convenient and ready made label from Jodi at
Fun in First. This saved me so much time! All I had to do was print, cut, and tape onto a bag of popcorn.
Here's my Hello Kitty Poster a former student bought for me one year. This was the sweetest ALL kids who come to my room know that I LOVE Hello Kitty. :)
Here are my cubbies...housing the set of books that I have for 25 students..not 26 or anymore :(
On top of my cubbies is where students turn in their work. Each subject has a different bin, and will house a clipboard. When students turn in their work, they check off the assignment next to their name. I can easily scan through the checklist to see who is missing what assignment
Each cubby is labeled with a cute sea creature and a number. I decided to go with numbers so that I didn't have to change them out each year. This is the first year I did this, we'll see how well they hold up.
These are plain, old and ugly storage cabinets. I cover them to make them look a little nicer and decided to use it to hang things..since I don't have much wall space!! This is my job chart. Students names are written on surfboards. I use velcro and can easily change them around.
Supply center
Picture from back corner..
Classroom Library
Finally finished organizing!!
Non fiction books are in the blue baskets
Close up of one of the labels. All of my library labels are available in my
TPT store.
I laminated all the labels so that they would last for many years to come..
I then attach velcro to the back and onto my book bins. If you noticed, I have quite a few smaller bins as well. These are books that I don't have too many of. As my library continues to grow I sometimes need to move books into larger bins..I can easily move the books and change the labels because of the velcro.
Genre posters from
Beth Newingham. This is helpful when students are book shopping since my library is labeled according to genre. They can easily refer to the posters if they forget the difference...
CAFE board
Daily 5. My CAFE and Daily 5 posters all fall into my ocean perfect! If you are also rocking an ocean theme this year head on over to Janaye's wonderful
TPT Store to pick up these awesome freebies. Be sure to leave feedback..all sellers appreciate feedback :)
My board to display student work. YES, I know that 'Sea' and 'fintastic' are spelt wrong. HAHA I'm sure the students will think they caught my spelling errors too :P
I used 12x12 scrapbook paper because I can easily display student work samples horizontal and vertically and still have a beautiful and perfect border! Also, I won't have to mount work on background paper..just pin it up
My daily schedule. I'm missing my time cards because we don't even know what time we will be having all of our special classes (library, music, pe, hawaiian studies, computer, character education). I can't even create my master schedule or my time cards..It is totally driving me NUTS! It makes me feel unprepared :(
On the other hand, if you would like a copy of these cards, they are available in my
TPT store as well.
Magnet created with VistaPrint. I write my list under this each week
Our Where are we sign
WBT rules, Boggle Board, and that rectangle up top is where I write my homework. I also used the borders (with magnets) to create the rectangle for my homework. I love that it has magnets so that if I don't have enough room to write homework..I can always make the rectangle larger by moving the border pieces (they are longer than they look because they are tucked behind the outside borders).
Students check in here.
3 B's: Be respectful, Be Responsible, and Be safe!

These are my bathroom passes. If a student has to go, they take the pass and leave it on their desk.
That's all. Hope you enjoyed my class preview!! :)