Okay. I haven't posted as much as I wish I could but life picks you up and you gotta take care of all those necessary things. I've been frantically working and trying to get all things ready for the short month of December. I want to make this month as special and magical as possible for the kiddos :D Most of my inspiration comes from all of YOU wonderful bloggers! Although, I still need to establish myself as a blogger and actually get a following I still like to blog so that I myself can reflect back :)
Often times I find myself really needing some inspiration to continue on in this career. Everyone always says that it's worth it but sometimes I really question myself whether or not this is really what I want to do for the rest of my life?! As I was scrolling through some of the AMAZING bloggers that I follow regularly, I saw that Marlene over at I heart Teaching posted about a book called Awakened. Check her blog out for a chance to win this book, full of inspiration for 'one of those days'.